During your sessions, it is very likely that personal information will be discussed. It is important for your confidence in your sessions that you understand how this information is stored and managed responsibly. If you have any questions regarding anything that is listed and explained below please do not hesitate to ask.

Collection of personal information is a necessary part of counselling assessment and therapy. Information gathered as part of your assessment, diagnosis and treatment is seen only by your counsellor. The information is retained in order to document what happens during sessions, and enables the counsellor to provide a relevant and informed counselling service and care.

All personal information gathered by the counsellor during the counselling service will remain confidential and secure except when:

  • The reasonable belief that information provided places you and/or another person at serious risk to life, health or safety. This will include issues relating to self-harm from suicide and threats of violence.
  • Your prior approval has been obtained to:
    • Provide a written/verbal report to another professional or agency. E.g. a GP or a lawyer; or
    • Discuss the material with another person. E.g. a parent, partner or employer, supervisor.
  • It is subpoenaed by a court of law.
  • Disclosure is otherwise required by Federal or State Legislation, including believing that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that a child has been abused or is being abused or neglected.